Global Warming Science:


Climate Central: Misleading the Public is their Real Mission


[last update: 2019/03/16]



The problem with unscientific journalists like Kahn / Climate Central is that they mislead in order to deceive.


The following graph shows the average February temperatures for the past 20 years. The trend is -0.60 degrees F per decade.

(Of course, the CC article tried to portray Feb 2017 (the warmest Feb) as the new trend. But their fake cherry-picking failed.)


(Plots generated at )


So how far back does one have to go to get a positive trend in February average temperature?

The answer is 1985, at +0.07 degrees F per decade (shown below).

For the past 33 years the February trend is negative – i.e. getting colder.

CO2 is just not functioning as advertised.



For the past 40 years, only 3 start years (1985, 1982, 1980) result in a slightly positive trend. All other start years within the period show a slight cooling trend. The standard deviation of the data is much greater than the trend.


Left: 1982 start year                                                                       Right: 1980 start year





Climate Central


Climate Central “Mission Statement” (from their website): “Communicate the science and effects of climate change to the public and decision-makers.


Where are their communications about decreasing temperatures?


When it comes to providing better explanations of science, the biggest mistake that journalists usually make is overstating the significance of single studies, technologies, and solutions, according to Gavin Schmidt, a climate modeler at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. “The issue is to what extent Climate Central can be a neutral arbiter,” he said.


Neutral they are NOT.


However, CC bills itself as “independent” – whatever that means. Their funding web page looks very dependently similar to PBS – the usual left-wing grant foundations (Rockefeller, MacArthur, etc.), as well as Google, and federal government agencies NASA, NOAA and the National Science Foundation. So our tax dollars are also funding their propaganda.


They are failing at their stated mission.


But they are not failing at their real mission.

According to Wikipedia: “While it had been the case as of 2010 that more than two-thirds of television weathercasters had denied that warming was real and largely caused by human activity, as of March 2018 the rate of acceptance among TV forecasters that the climate is changing has increased to ninety-five percent. The number of local television stories about global warming has also increased, by fifteen-fold. Climate Central has received some of the credit for this because they provide classes for meteorologists and graphics for television stations.